Misha Infotech
IT Consulting Company

E-Commerce Software Solution

E-Commerce Software Solution – A Perfect Mode to Perform Online Business

In the present scenario, internet, intranet and extranet has brought revolutionary change in the way business is being performed. The electronic mode of performing business is most preferred by the customers as it gives convenience in reaching the global market. Online shopping is higher in trend and this has given birth to electronic shopping. Such trend has given new outlook to the traditional businesses. To keep in touch with the customers and to sustain in the competitive market, online shopping is essential for retail businesses. You can say that E-Commerce is the biggest achievement which cannot be ignored at all.


E-Commerce is also known as electronic commerce which is based on electronic systems to perform commercial transaction. ecommerce Software Solutions in India supports to build the e-commerce websites widely preferred by the businesses to make their presence on web and target the customers. The best part is the, businesses do not need to meet the parties physically and all the tasks are performed through web. Conducting business on web is easier. Complete transaction is performed without any hassles using reliable mode of payment.

Different type of e-commerce business are-

·         B2B (Business to Business) – In this circumstances, the business is performed between the two businesses. Goods are used to perform business opposing to the consumers. Such business is performed by the wholesalers.

·         B2C (Business to Consumer) - In this case, no middleman acts as mediator. The business is performed between the seller and the final consumer.

·         C2C (Consumer to Consumer) – In this case, consumers conduct transaction with the consumers without performing any kind of business. E-Commerce website is the online market place and auction sites.

·         P2P (Peer to Peer) – Such e-commerce is performed by people to share information and contents.

·         Mobile E-commerce- This is primarily used by the mobile users. And most transaction is performed using small handheld devices through e-commerce gateway integration.

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